define detestable in the bible

M ost people understand that when the word abomination is used it means something bad. Read Proverbs 6:12-15. The 1946 Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible was the first translation to use the word homosexual. Nothing in the universe can define a persons future, it is the Almighty Lord who leads one to his future. Meaning Of The Valley Of Dry Bones Vision. The Bible is a collection of writings which span more than a thousand years recounting the history of God’s relationship with the Hebrew and Christian people. The purpose of this list is not only to help modern readers of the KJV better understand what they're reading, but also … DETESTABLE, adjective Extremely hateful; abominable; very odious; deserving abhorrence.. Thou hast defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable … Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. This question is resolved elsewhere in the Bible, because Israelites are not the only ones with toevot. Websters Dictionary 1828 – Online Edition is an excellent reference for classical literature, Bible studies, history papers, and the reading of America's national documents. Prov.xv. It was written in several languages, embraces many literary forms, and reflects cultures very different from our own. 12 Whoever practices these things … (a.) Gilgal was a place of memorial. God abhors both. Gilgal is significant in the Bible as serving as a place of memorial for the Israelites, to remind them of what God had done. sense for “people of … What does God say about involvement with the occult? Among the definitions given by Robert Young, we find “detestable thing” (Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible). Deuteronomy 17:4 – “And it is told you and you hear of it, then you shall inquire diligently, and if it … 18 And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence. Abominable definition, repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome: an abominable crime. But as for you, the Lord has not permitted you to do so. Of course, no true Christian … It is generally revocalized Kaiwan or Kewan, i.e., Saturn (Ninib). Meaning of detestable. שֶׁ֫קֶץnoun masculineLeviticus 7:21detestation, detestable thing; — ׳שׁof the ceremonially unclean. Different Hebrew and Greek words are translated as “ghost” by different Bible versions. They have brought it upon themselves." ... 3. What does abomination mean in the Bible? How to use detestable in a sentence. (Read Ezekiel 8:1-4; Ezek. 1. detestable thing or idol, an unclean thing, an abomination, detestation. Detestable Because it is Foreign, or Foreign Because it is Detestable? BEGINNING IN DYNASTY 11 (21st century B.C.E. Mixing different kinds of anything was forbidden, or detestable to a Jew (fabrics, seeds, animal species). Definition of Ghost In the Bible. KJV Dictionary Definition: detestable detestable. The Bible is a huge book, and once someone begins adding up and dividing numbers they are bound to find some types of patterns. The general meaning of the word "abomination" or abominable" in the Bible is: Something detestable, unlawful or repulsive. 1 “If you, Israel, will return, then return to me,”. What are the seven detestable sins according to the Bible? "There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers" (Proverbs 6:16-19). It's in the Bible, Deuteronomy 18:9-12 NIV. Hebrew Base Word: שִׁקּוּץ. Some Biblical scholars say … Deuteronomy 18:9–12 says, “When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. As on, listed below are the definitions of abomination. Abomination Definition. Source: Strong's Bible Dictionary of Hebrew and Greek languages. detestably. An example of something Detestable is stabbing a best friend in the back multiple times. 1a) in ritual sense ( of unclean food, idols, mixed marriages) 1b) in ethical sense ( of wickedness etc) Strong's. This sin is considered rebellion against God because it attributes to one’s self the honor and glory that only God is due. declares the Lord. The Bible never speaks favorably of anything with the label of abomination. Detailed definition: Detestable thing or idol, abominable thing, abomination, idol, detested thing. The term “homosexual” is of modern origin, and it wasn’t until about a hundred years ago that it was first used. "When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Strong's Number: H8251. CURSE, verb intransitive To utter imprecations; to affirm or deny with imprecations of divine vengeance. The Bible warns: “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.”. The Bible strongly condemns practices which are associated with Moloch, practices which appear to have included child sacrifice. 2. Jeremiah 16:18 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have defiled my land, they have filled mine inheritance with the carcases of their detestable and abominable things. Revelation 17:5 - Update Bible Version - and on her forehead a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE PROSTITUTES AND OF THE DETESTABLE … The Bible doesn't say, but we can speculate. A. Selbie, reports that the term sodomite came from the city of Sodom. Detestable things are more pointedly abhorrent because they come directly in conflict with the sanctuary — they are waved in God’s face — while abominations are more generally abhorrent because they more generally conflict with God’s moral law. However, most people could not define abomination if asked. 1. A detestable and shameful act, person, or object. Dictionary of the Bible. ), scarabs started to be employed as seals. Very hatefully; abominably. The Bible is most certainly not silent about sorcery and there is clear evidence that it is one of the greatest evils mentioned in the Bible. The Eng. Repugnant, detestable, or hateful as, abhorrent thoughts. The Bible says he can and in Proverbs 6:16-19 we have a list of things that he really hates. Titus 1:16 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Titus 1:16, NIV: "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good." God can and does judge upon the motives of the heart, but he can and does also judge on the physical actions. 1) a disgusting thing, abomination, abominable. Moloch, the ancient pagan God of child sacrifice. Jeremiah 4. DETESTABLENESS, n. Extreme hatefulness. detestation. Multi-Version Concordance ... /a/abhorrent.htm - 9k. Detestable (Crossword clue) We found 11 answers for “ Detestable ”. The five volume Dictionary of the Bible, published in 1902 by J. 1 “If you, Israel, will return, then return to me,”. 2. The definitions of “ghost” range from “divine being,” “spirit,” “disembodied dead person,” to “an apparition.” The King James Bible uses the word “ghost” the most of all modern Bibles – 109 times.

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