glencore cobalt child labor

Cobalt is essential for producing Lithium-ion batteries used in smart phones and EVs like those produced by Tesla. Tesla has secured a new cobalt supply deal with mining giant Glencore as it phases out the controversial battery material. LONDON (Reuters) -Mining and trading company Glencore and other miners are joining forces with battery material supplier Umicore to make the cobalt used in electric cars traceable using blockchain technology, they said in a statement. However, cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has seen frequent cases of child labor, accidental deaths and violence between miners and security personnel of mining companies. 'Glencore's production of cobalt in [Congo] is a by-product of our industrial copper production,' the company said. Panorama tracked a lorry laden with copper from Tilwezembe for 27 hours to a … The African nation supplies more than two thirds of the world’s cobalt but human rights groups have raised concerns that the industry relies on child workers. The cobalt will be sourced from Glencore’s state-of-the art industrial mining operations, KCC and Mutanda, located in the DRC. Glencore is the largest industrial supplier of cobalt in the world and could provide Tesla with up to 6,000 tons of cobalt a year under the long-term partnership. Miners and carmakers, under pressure to show electric vehicle batteries are sourced responsibly, are exploring the usefulness of blockchain – a digital […] A lawsuit filed this week in Washington, D.C., alleges that some of the world's largest technology firms knowingly engaged in the usage of child labor in Africa's cobalt … LONDON, May 20 (Reuters) - Mining and trading company Glencore and other miners are joining forces with battery material supplier Umicore to make the cobalt used in electric cars traceable using blockchain technology, they said in a statement. Glencore does not purchase, process or trade any artisanally mined ore. Glencore does not tolerate any form of child, forced, or compulsory labor. Glencore receives most of its mined cobalt from the Congo's, so in reality, Tesla didn’t step away from using the In this blog, Joseph Maggs explores the landmark case filed against five tech giants in December 2019 – and the “accountability gap” that leads to companies getting away with child labour in their supply chains. In 2018 Elon Musk said that he wanted to create batteries free of cobalt as there’s a lot of stigma associated with it due to exploitation and child labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 1919. Almost three-quarters of the world’s cobalt comes from Congo, where Glencore … Access to justice child labour cobalt Joseph Maggs, former Policy and Campaigns Intern at Liberty . According to Glencore, both it and Samsung are committed to ensuring the ethical and responsible production and procurement of cobalt . Glencore has joined the founding members of the Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA) to help tackle ethical issues pervading the country's cobalt supply chain. Glencore told CNN Business that it was aware of the allegations in the lawsuit and that the company "does not tolerate any form of child, forced, or compulsory labor." The suit seeks a trial by jury and seeks damages and costs. The court papers allege that cobalt from the Glencore-owned mines is sold to Umicore, a Brussels-based metal and mining trader, which then sells battery-grade cobalt to Apple, Google, Tesla, Microsoft and Dell. However, 2 years have passed since that statement and Tesla has just locked its future supply of cobalt with Glencore . A class-action lawsuit on behalf of a group of mothers and children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) against five U.S.-based Big Tech giants may short-circuit President Joe Biden’s plans to electrify American transportation. The U.S. did not ban child miners until 1916. The Financial Times report refers to insiders regarding the information on the deal between Tesla and Glencore. Cobalt supply and sustainability •DRC is the main source of supply and the main source of new supply; geographical concentration of supply will only increase •Many players have expressed concerns on: •the perception of country risk •the pervasive occurrence of child labor in artisanal mining: it has been highlighted by several organizations The United States Department of Labor has documented the nature and scope of the cobalt problem in the DRC. Huayou Cobalt allegedly supplies cobalt to Apple, Dell and Microsoft. The Amnesty International has informed that 1/5 of the cobalt that is derived from Congo is produced based on the illegal child labour while the rest is official and through the industry produced. Device makers face child labour … It’s also backed by major Chinese cobalt refiner, Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co. Glencore … Automakers need … Baar, Switzerland 17 December 2019 . The group aims to end the use of child labour at mining sites and improve working conditions in DRC. "Starve or go risk your life to try to eat. Two-thirds of the world’s cobalt comes from Congo. 19 January 2016, 13:57 UTC. Swiss cobalt traders Glencore and Trafigura deal very differently with small-scale miners in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), many of whom are children. The plaintiffs accuse these companies of deliberately purchasing cobalt that was produced by child labor in the Democratic Republic of the … “Glencore’s production of cobalt in the DRC is a by-product of our industrial copper production. ... "Glencore's production of cobalt in the DRC is a by-product of our industrial copper production. Glencore, which dominates the global It’s also backed by major Chinese cobalt refiner, Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co. Glencore … "Even if one gram of cobalt is mined by a child, they want to avoid this from an ethical and from a brand-management standpoint. We are not a defendant to this lawsuit. Glencore is the company that has been struggling to get one of its mines back from artisanal miners who use child or slave labor. Major electronics brands, including Apple, Samsung and Sony, are failing to do basic checks to ensure that cobalt mined by child labourers has not been used in their products, said Amnesty International and Afrewatch in a report published today. Glencore’s production of cobalt in the DRC is a by-product of our industrial copper production. Glencore’s production of cobalt in the DRC is a by-product of our industrial copper production. World Day Against Child Labour 2020. At Glencore we take our responsibility seriously and remain determined in our work to eradicate its root causes. The exploitation of child labour and wider social downgrading propagated by the artisanal Cobalt industry, as has been shown, is the consequence of various multi-scalar factors. Glencore’s Cobalt Production Up in 2019, Guidance Down for 2020. Some children were paid as little as $1.50 per day, working 6 days a week, it said. Other companies listed in the lawsuit are computer manufacturer Dell and two mining companies, Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt and Glencore, who own the minefields where the Congolese families allege their children worked.

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