how do i answer 'what is your current situation'?

First, explain the situation you were in, which could be your previous role or academic course. For this question specifically, you may either begin by explaining the original coursework that started your foundation or the second situation where you had to recall what you originally learned. These all boil down to a very simple ask: “Tell me a story.”. A good answer to this tricky interview questions might go something like this: The reports from my past employment experiences will say that I am a hard worker and that I consistently showed up to work on time every day. A good answer to “how would your coworkers describe you?” will contain a few key elements: Honesty. A situation or example of how your coworkers or a single coworker thought of you. Question: Tell us about yourself. If there isn’t a job-related portion of your employment you enjoy, mention something like the sense of community, great coworkers, a flexible … What is the Most Difficult Situation You Have Faced at Work? Even when this question is not asked, you must be able to answer it in order to land the job. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. What is the greatest achievement you have had that our company can leverage, too?. The most detailed spreadsheet or to-do list means nothing if it’s completely unrelated to what your department is trying to accomplish. Classes: You wish you had taken calculus instead of an easier math class.Be specific and explain why taking calculus would have been a good idea. Whether you've posted your resume on a job board, or sent it to a recruiter, or called a recruiter proactively, you expect them to discuss vacancies with you. During your time as playing as an athlete. The current salary question may be asked at different points in the hiring and interview process: 1. 3. Whenever dealing with customers, or potentially problematic situations, I can be relied upon to sort things out quickly and will always take responsibility for a situation.” Q4. Q. 1. This difficult situation interview question looks at your work ethic. Simplify your interview preparation, learn something your competitors in the interview won’t know, and impress the hiring managers with your answers. This is an open-ended question so you may not be sure whether the interviewer wants to … What motivates you. Anonymous Answer "- Situation /Task: In my current position, there was a huge transformation in my unit with our rostering system. I feel that my reports would accurately describe me as an employee. How to Answer an Unanswerable Question. So, talk about courses you did, certifications you completed, competitions won, or even the hobbies you pursued. Start by discussing your current situation 2. Summary. You will probably find some conflicting information and wide ranges in some places, but at least you’ll get a general sense if you look at a few sources. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. the salary a previous employer paid you is not relevant, except as a negotiation advantage for the employer. A – Action. This is what makes your interview answer uniquely yours and will make your answer a star! How to Spin. Will they dislike similar tasks in their new position? I would include a more flexible schedule, paid leave options, and provide recognition of various religious and cultural holidays and celebrations that may not have wide recognition on the traditional calendar. Take On a Thankless Project. To be successful in your NHS interview, you’ll need to show commitment to this value. I love to write and have a great knowledge of niche sectors. Press J to jump to the feed. Your answer should address the skills and experience you offer, why you’re a good culture fit and what you believe you’d bring to the role. If you get this follow-up and haven’t prepared a second answer, you’d better be good at being spontaneous. In most job interviews, candidates will be asked to describe their strengths and weaknesses. Below, the STAR acronym is broken down into steps with more information on what you can include in your answers. Enrollment Number 5 Which best describes your current employment situation? (Select ONE answer) Retired or disability (or awaiting disability) AND this is same status as at baseline (Skip to next instrument) Working - Full Time (at least 32 hours per week) (select “Yes” for question 6) Working - Part Time (select “Yes” for question 6) • Have you ever encountered a situation where you went out of your way to help The easiest way to do this is to use an example from your background and experience. With open-ended questions like this one, it is easy to begin rambling. Ask yourself questions related to your current situation to help work toward solutions. Whether you are a leader, a teacher, or a parent, you may be called upon to answer … Situation. • Describe a situation where you feel your solutions were more creative than those of your peers. Should your new job require relocation, it’s important to give yourself … You must prove to recruiters that you did not just while away your time but have been keeping pretty busy learning. Your answer will show the interviewer some direction when they are ready to make you an offer of employment. • How do you evaluate your success or the success of others? The 3-step formula to answer: Why are you looking for a new job? When preparing your answer, use open-ended interview questions like this to make your response memorable with stories. Tip: Always be positive When an employer asks you what you found most or least rewarding about your previous job, it is very important to communicate positivity. The employer is looking to answer two questions by asking you this. Avoid pointing fingers. You need to “tailor” your answer for, “tell me about yourself,” for their job description and their needs. Task - The principal gave me a warning. Telltale signs of a behavioral question: “Tell me about a time you…”. Answer the question- and then expound on how you can help bring about those changes. The interviewer wants to know that you don't want to work for just any generic fast-food restaurant. "Children between the ages of 7 and 12 can come to the library on a Saturday morning, we … When stating a difficult situation at your last job, give concrete examples of how you solved the problem. Communication improved and the team pulled together to complete the project on time. Put a zero or type "No" in the field. You have several options: Leave the field blank. Provide details and share your research! Remember this is only part of a good answer for the what are your weaknesses question. Name a couple of helpful skills you have learned or a part of your job that you enjoy and how the work has helped you grow. To you, this answer shows that you’re able to control your emotions. 2. The first thing you could do is answer the question with another question. Try to talk about experiences and qualifications that are relevant for this job you’ve applied for. The Reason Behind the Question As with pretty much all of the basic interview questions, it helps to understand where the hiring manager is coming from with this one. It’s human nature to want to know the other side of the story. Both sides seek to get the “real” story about the other, and employers ask tough, direct questions. Don't just say you like it. The employer is looking to answer two questions by asking you this. 3. I’ve found that even in the midst of a challenging situation, reminding myself of my goals helps me take a step back and stay positive.”. One personality trait highlighted at a time. How to Answer "What Are Your Challenges?" Once you see how I do it, creating your own personal answer is easy , but more importantly you'll learn the secrets to answering ANY type of job interview question - no matter what they ask you. In short, you want to avoid any answer that sheds a negative light on your current job or anyone working there. Okay. Keep in mind that the interviewer might … If you give an answer such as “I do what I can finish by the end of the day. 15 Best Interview Answers When you are being interviewed for a job, you will probably be asked, “Why do you want to leave your current job?” The answer you give to this question is very important as it can actually decide whether you get the job or not, so you need to be careful of what you say. Remember that the real concern behind the greatest strengths question (and all the rest of the most common job interview questions) is to determine whether or not you are the best person for the job. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Include in your answer ways to positively address the situation, rather than always leaning toward referring the student to the office or the parent to the administrator. This is a commonly-asked question in job interviews for all levels of positions in all industries.. Changing the focus from the business to you will help ensure you do not get too negative on the company. For each shift, everyone had to work 12 hrs. Q. Here are some areas to recall when considering where you might have made achievements: During your 4-year university. Do some research ahead of time to learn about the disciplinary procedures at the school where you’re applying. What Not To Answer With. During your time as an intern. Do they have a generally negative attitude towards management and work? Tell me why you want to work here at McDonald's. 1. So weigh out your PROS AND CONS. If instead your resume says "-Feb 2008" and current work is consulting and freelance work, I'd accept that as fact. The best move here is to answer the question by referencing your field of work. You need to demonstrate self-awareness, so it isn't a good idea to say that you're strong in many respects but can't think of anything in particular. “I stay motivated by thinking about the end result. This open-ended question allows you to direct the conversation. Here's how to answer "Tell me about a time when" questions: 1. • Give an example of an experience in which you successfully persuaded others to your point-of-view. Because it is so broad, your first instinct might be to also answer broadly. Wanting to move in a new direction professionally doesn’t make you fickle. It is beneficial as well as … An interview is more than a conversation; it’s a fact-finding mission for both the interviewer and the job seeker. Don’t Badmouth. Tags: Best answers to the job interview question, job interview question, last job, What did you dislike most about your last job This entry was posted on at and is filed under Questions.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. ANSWER EXAMPLE: "If I were to create a diversity and inclusion plan for my current company, I would make a few essential additions. To recap: It’s usually okay to answer “no” for “can we contact your current employer.”. 5. in an Interview. Vague or general answers. Job interviews are meant to give a potential employer a better idea about what it would be like to work with you. Take a few minutes to bring your resume to life for me. The main idea here behind the STAR method is that every answer should cover the following topics: (S) Situation - Describe the situation and the context in which the event took place. This helps to show you’re mindful of high-level company priorities. The mental frame to adopt as you respond to this question is, "My current job is great! Choose an accomplishment that is relevant to this job and employer, and, preferably, relatively recent. Ask any pageant girl and they will tell you — the hardest part of any competition is the pageant interview question and answer segment. While people love self-deprecating humor in real life, the short time span of a job interview really isn't the time for it. You’re Thinking: “I lost my job, and I don’t want to talk about this.” Say: “I’m transitioning—and what do you do?” Sometimes you’re unemployed, and you really don’t want to talk about it. Now I will show you twenty-five interview questions they may ask you, including difficult behavioral questions, and a guide on how to answer first ten questions. Whether you’re going to be a pain to manage. Looking at your reason to call it off, I bet this ain't the first time. 5. 8. Example Answer 1. Modesty, but don’t sell yourself short. You don’t want to drag out your answer and make it a focus of the interview. 1. Keep your description of the challenge neutral in tone. Something relevant to your prospective job. Enrollment Number 5 Which best describes your current employment situation? Various tools can be used to do this. Work Experience: You wish you had looked for a more challenging job than the local burger joint. What’s the biggest takeaway from your current or last job that you’ll bring to this job? Make your proud moment a launching pad: No employer wants to hire an employee who achieves something and then just stops. Deftly explaining how you handle difficult work situations will help take you from interviewee to new hire. Willing to relocate. Always answer a question like this with the negative first, so that you can end on a positive note. Tricky Interview Questions. One of the best tools that can be used to assess your current situation is a SWOC, an acronym … Address your priorities about work. See below for three ways to gracefully answer, “What do you do?” (no matter what you’re really thinking). One of the more creative ways employers learn about a candidate's abilities and experience is with open-ended questions requiring detailed answers. Describe a Situation Where You Gave Quality Care. Granted, there are a lot of things that could really improve with my life. Another key is to be careful not to mention any negative information about your current company. Practise your answers. Luckily, you can practice your answer to this question ahead of time, so here are some things to think about as you formulate your answer: Think about a project where your original goal had been very clear. Hint: the interviewer isn’t looking for your life story, or what you had for dinner last night. 3) What to Tell Your Current Boss If You Are Leaving. The shift hours for each personnel were previously 48 hours a week. But I have obtained enough skills to do meaningful work at present. You can still give an honest response. A sample for Skill-based strength: For instance, you are applying for a writing job. The real question they are asking --. No matter how much you may dislike your current job situation, proverbially throwing your current or past companies under the bus in an interview setting is bad job-seeking behavior. Behavioral Interview Questions. Do you have a low amount of debt relative to your income? Here’s how to answer common interview questions. Follow up with real-life examples, such as a group project you successfully completed. Remember, all they really want to know if what you can do for the company. Conclude by Explaining Your Current Situation The Interview Guys recommend breaking each one down using the STAR method: ST – Situation or task. I am a blabbermouth. Q: Where do yourself in five years? So people often don’t. Now explain the original goal in a clear and concise way. The easiest way to do this is to use an example from your background and experience. 6. To answer an employer’s question about your work ethic, start with your personal beliefs, like how hard work and perseverance helps build character. Will they dislike similar tasks in their new position? Don’t. "What I value most in the workplace are growth opportunities. Your potential employer wants to know that you can effectively work through a difficult situation on the job, so be sure to avoid a self-deprecating attitude. This can be one of the most uncomfortable situations that you could face in your career. posted by peanut_mcgillicuty at 12:58 PM on December 18, 2008 To avoid my resume getting filed under LEPERS - DO NOT CALL I leave the 2004-present on my resume until the year I … The way you respond can completely change the vibe of the interview. The answer is yes. How to structure your answer. When you receive your next deposit, Current then will apply funds towards your negative balance. So, to answer correctly, you need to convey the above 3 points in your answer and provide a real-life, relevant example of the strength in action. Identify What You Can’t Change. Life can never just remain the same. it is always changing. there will be times of happiness, joy, sadness, and grief. We will always have challenges and trials to overcome. i am at a point in my life where i consider myself to be happy. Standard Interview Questions. The end goal is to paint a clear and compelling picture of what is that you do at your current or most recent job. As it turns out, most job seekers don’t exactly have the best things to say about them—to us, at least. They (should) determine your priorities, and, deep down, they're probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. Luckily, you can practice your answer to this question ahead of time, so here are some things to think about as you formulate your answer: Think about a project where your original goal had been very clear. Understand why such a question is asked: These type of questions are usually asked by the interviewer to measure the productivity level of the candidate.By asking when they were feeling the most satisfied during their previous jobs, the interviewer is trying to figure out instances where the candidate had been an ideal employee. Possible Answer#1 “I am not very good at computer applications and shortcuts. Wrap your response by spinning it into what you will love about your potential position with the interviewing company. (Hall Of Fame Guidance) 13 Aug 2009. Your answer might have sounded too rehearsed and they want to see if you can think on your feet. Overdrive™ will not cover any non-debit card purchases, including ATM withdrawals, ACH transfers, P2P services (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, or similar services), Current … Knowing exactly where you are versus where you want to be can help you strategically plan for success. Do some research on these sites to understand the market salary range for the position, size of the company you’re interviewing with, location, and your experience level. The sky is the limit! 22. 1. Then you can tailor your answer accordingly. Inside Big Interview, our complete training system for job interviews, we give you video lessons, sample answers, and an interactive practice tool for all of these different versions of “Describe your current position” Watch this brief video to learn a little more about Big Interview, and click here to take a quick look the program. The interviewer wants an idea of how you might handle the situation, and passing off the problem to someone else is not an answer. Situation - My greatest weakness is that I talk too much. Remember to answer each interview question behaviorally, whether it is a behavioral question or not. Keep your response professional (meaning, focused on your last job). It’s nothing personal. Stay away from insignificant occurrences: Ideally, you'll highlight a situation that is relevant, such as a challenge that many companies face. Then use the S-T-A-R approach to make the answer a STAR: talk about a Situation or Task (S-T), the Action you took (A) and the Results achieved (R). One of the best ways to do this is to see you in action, but that usually isn’t possible until they hire you. In the sales industry, it’s also filled with abstract and non-abstract questions that can put your skills under a lot of pressure. The first thing to do is to figure out what kinds of questions you might face before you even think about trying to prep for specific questions. Select a tough work situation that was not caused by you. After reading my answers, you'll easily be able to create your own personal answers-- answers that will impress the toughest interviewers. You can claim you’re the most hard-working person in the world and amazing at time-management, but without providing an example, you might as well be making the whole thing up. Describe a situation where you weren’t satisfied with your job. Bad answer: "I love to shop. This potential follow-up is the reason you need to prepare more than one weakness . The application form may contain a field for "Current Salary." Explain what you would like to get out of a job, but also be sure to consider some of the benefits of work experience even with an unskilled job. Answer Sample 1: What is your greatest strength? Do you really need her back? Then use the S-T-A-R approach to make the answer a STAR: talk about a Situation or Task (S-T), the Action you took (A) and the Results achieved (R). The point I am trying to make is that your answer, your story must be gripping and it must grip in the first few sentences. You have to think about who is not going to visit whom. Aside from recruiters and hiring managers asking you about the pandemic, you may want to touch on the situation when your opportunity to ask questions pops up during the interview. 219 votes, 845 comments. So, don’t linger on your resume achievements. 1. Start with a positive word about your current workplace or job. In writing a strategic plan, you begin by assessing your current situation or where you are in life right now. Tips on how to deal with stress: Acknowledge there is a problem (the “I’m fineeee” method won’t work). Keep the focus on you and what you want for your future. Example Answer 1. For example, you may say that there is too much work in your current job. A career change. 1. Various tools can be used to do this. You can talk about the health benefits, work-life balance, workplace culture, growth, or even continued education opportunities. question from a recruiter. “Give me an example of…”. This helps me get a handle on the situation and figure out what I need to do to alleviate my stress and get things accomplished.” Getting Past Tough Interview Questions and Acing the Interview There’s no way around it, you’ll have to answer hard interview questions, but your … With this question, in particular, it is best to stay away from answers that tell stories about your personal past without much meaning behind it for the interviewer. A good motivator to get through a stressful situation can often be to remind yourself of your ultimate goals and what you hope to accomplish with a project. Practise your answers until you’re comfortable saying them naturally, without looking at a script. Always start your answer by telling the interviewer what you like about your job. Be genuine about your weaknesses and outline a plan of action you have taken to improve on the same. Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. Whatever you do not give the interviewer a history lesson of your personal life. TOP TIP: Make sure 85% of your interview answer is you explaining how you dealt with the stressful situation rather the incident itself. Make sure to personalize your own response to match your personal achievements. This difficult situation interview question looks at your work ethic. Here's how to answer "Tell me about a time when" questions: 1. Tell me about a time you went above and beyond for work. The boss was away, and we got an order for an extra 300 concrete vibrators. It's just that I want something more." Action - After, you describe the action that you took. Placing an emphasis on effective communication. This is almost always a red flag as they would think you were let go for some negative reason. You may have had a really bad work situation, but if you talk a lot about a terrible circumstance, you’re only going to make the interviewer wonder whether you were part of the problem. Interviewers ask how your friends would describe you to get a sense of your self-awareness and assess how your soft skills match up with the company, department, and role you’re applying for. Relate your answer to the attributes required to do the job competently. This way you can highlight your experience and showcase your awesomeness —which is still there regardless of … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts To fully accept your reality, it is important to identify what you may have done to foster success or failure. A healthy work-life balance, which includes adequate vacation and recovery time. Hiring managers and recruiters are hoping for a glimpse of your personality — they don’t really care about your friend’s honest opinions. And how that was a challenge. Sometimes the best way to get your foot in the door is … Explain why you’re looking for these things in an employer. Use positive KEYWORDS in your response. One of the best tools that can be used to assess your current situation is a SWOC, an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. The boss was away, and we got an order for an extra 300 concrete vibrators. Marathon running is a strict discipline and requires immense planning, working on your body and diet to achieve results. So, talk about courses you did, certifications you completed, competitions won, or even the hobbies you pursued. It can help them assess whether your strengths and weakness will make you the right fit for your job, if your disposition will be a good fit with the team you’re working on and if you’ll fit into the company culture as a whole. Here are ten of the most common scholarship interview questions. The STAR method helps you create a cohesive answer to any behavioural interview question. Remember to answer each interview question behaviorally, whether it is a behavioral question or not. The need to treat others with respect and to appreciate their time. Work backward by hitting key points along your professional journey 3. 32.8m members in the AskReddit community. This will sharpen your interview skills and give you confidence.

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