stutthof concentration camp timeline

Following her liberation, she returned to Czechoslovakia, married and then emigrated to Northern Ireland. Paul-Werner Hoppe (February 28, 1910 – July 15, 1974) was an SS-Sturmbannführer (major) and was the commandant of Stutthof concentration camp from September 1942 until April 1945. ... Timeline of deportations of French Jews to Nazi extermination camps in German-occupied Europe during World War II. A Hamburg state court is deciding Thursday whether the 93-year-old’s role as a guard more than 75 years ago is enough to … 1 April 1933 ... despite belonging to UNESCO’s Memory of the World, it is still not well known. Family was killed at the camp. Over the course of the war, approximately 85,000 of the 110,000 prisoners were murdered. Step out of Gdansk to go to Malbork and see Muzeum Zamkowe w Malborku, which is … Stutthof was the first Nazi concentration camp built outside of 1937 German borders.. The Schlosses were a Jewish family from Gelsenkirchen. 1939-09-02 – the first transport of 150 prisoners to Sztutowo - construction of the future KL Stutthof camp started. Links: Germany, Holocaust 2018 Dec 22: In Israel Holocaust survivor Simcha Rotem (94) died. As a 17-year-old SS private, Bruno Dey could hear the screams of Jews dying in the gas chamber of Nazi Germany’s Stutthof concentration camp from his post in … Stutthof concentration camp, 34 km. As the Red Army approached Riga, Manfred and the other surviving prisoners were evacuated to Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig (today Gdańsk in Poland) in August 1944. Aufseherin [ˈaʊ̯fˌzeːəʁɪn] was the position title for female guards in Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust.Of the 55,000 guards who served in Nazi concentration camps, about 3,700 were women.In 1942, the first female guards arrived at Auschwitz and Majdanek from Ravensbrück.The year after, the Nazis began conscripting women because of a shortage of male guards. Death marches (Todesmärsche in German) refer to the forcible movement of prisoners by Nazi Germany toward the end of World War II and the Holocaust.The marches took place mostly between the summer/autumn of 1944 and May 1945, when hundreds of thousands of prisoners, mostly Jews, from German concentration camps near the eastern front were moved to camps inside Germany away … Rheine, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland. In September, 1939, the Nazis built the Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig in the extreme northeast of Germany. On the 21st (Mon), you'll have a packed day of sightseeing: contemplate the long history of Stutthof Concentration Camp, don't miss a visit to Kanał Elbląski, and then explore the historical opulence of Teutonic Order Castle. It continued operating until May 9, 1945, during which some 65,000 people were executed. The Ruhr region was their home. April 30 80 KB. Jun 12 1929 Anne Frank is Born in Frankfurt. 1 Dec 2017 . The camps with the most deaths or that become most well-known to the public were the Auschwitz-Birkenau, … Minimum of 75,721. From January 1942 the camp which initially held a bare three to four thousand prisoners, expanded rapidly. Once there, Zigi volunteered to work at a railway yard, where he was able to get more food. Stutthof was a death camp located in present-day Danzig, Poland that held as many 100,000 people surrounded by barbed-wire electrified fences. On this day, Chiena Peresecki entered the Stutthof concentration camp. Chiena Peresecki Transferred to Stutthof Concentration Camp in Danzig (Gdańsk, Poland) Deepen your sense of the past at sights like Stutthof Concentration Camp and Westerplatte. 50,000 Jews are evacuated by foot from the Stutthof concentration camp, in German-annexed Poland, and its satellites - and moved back towards Germany. The majority were Jews who had just been moved from Neuengamme, Mittelbau-Dora and Stutthof concentration camps following the suicide of Adolf Hitler. The US Army liberated the Wöbbelin camp on 2 May 1945. ... Online exhibition about prisoners from Stutthof concentration camp. May 9th, 1945 the camp was liberated. The trials primarily took place in Frankfurt am Main between 20 December 1963 and 20 August 1965. Among them a number of persons suspected of involvement in the July conspiracy like former Secretary of Economic Affairs and former president of the Reichsbank Hjalmar Schacht and the … It was only after Himmler’s visit on 23 November 1941 that this reluctance was overcome, and Stutthof became an official concentration camp from January 1942. In 1939, Steinhoff became a cook, married and had one child. . As evident from a program from the Stutthof concentration camp female prisoners held an afternoon entertainment on 16 January 1944. Death Marches and Evacuations. The Warsaw Ghetto and the Auschwitz Concentration Camp are Created. 1 Biography 2 Nazi awards and decorations 3 References 4 External links Hoppe joined the Nazi Party with membership number 1,596,491. Steven Springfield describes conditions in the Stutthof concentration camp The Germans occupied Riga in 1941, and confined the Jews to a ghetto. 21 March 1933 Oranienburg concentration camp is opened at a former brewery in Oranienburg by an SA brigade near Berlin. It was established in September 1939 as a prisoners camp for civilians. Mendel’s father had a clothing business, and Mendel had one brother. 1940-04-27 – after a series of inspections of various facilities, the SS commander Heinrich Himmler gives the order to set up a camp in Oświęcim. 26,000 of them perish. But most Jews sent to Birkenau continued to be gassed. Stutthof. More than 60,000 prisoners died at Stutthof. Deportations begin on February 12, 1940, with the Jews of Stettin incarcerated in … Sachsenhausen (German pronunciation: [zaksənˈhaʊzən]) or Sachsenhausen … 27/01/1945 - … More than have of these peoples were killed in the gas chamber system of the Nazi Death Camps run between 1942 and 1945. They occurred at various points during the Holocaust, including 1939 in the Lublin province of Poland, in 1942 in Reichskommissariat Ukraine and across the General Government, and between Autumn 1944 and late April 1945 near the Soviet front, … When the final evacuation … Eventually, the Stutthof camp system became a vast network of forced-labor camps; 105 Stutthof subcamps were established throughout northern and central German-occupied Poland. Opinion: U.S. The Frankfurt-Auschwitz Trials were the trials of twenty-two Nazi personnel who served at the Auschwitz Camp Complex between 1940 and 1945. Ten days later, the first Jews, 2500 women, were deported from Birkenau to Stutthof concentration camp. Emigration: 14th February 1938, Niederlande. You are searching in English.. Deportation: from Westerbork 03rd September 1944, Auschwitz, extermination camp Burggraben, Außenkommando concentration camp Stutthof Probe into remains found near site of former Auschwitz camp. Crematorium Ovens at Stutthof. -Stutthof prisoners sent on death marches •January 25, 1945- official evacuation -25,000 prisoners sent on the death march •lasted for 10 days with only two days worth of food rations •War trials held after the war -Max Pauly tried and executed -Paul Werner Hoppe, Pauly's successor, tried and sentenced to … You can read Judy's story at - check out the timeline and information about the active investigation happening now in Germany regarding former SS guards at Stutthof Concentration Camp. Left Auschwitz on a forced march to Stutthof concentration camp in January 1945. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - timeline of the Holocaust (june 2019, first copy) A timeline of the Holocaust is detailed in the events listed below. Letter From Eisenhower to George Marshall Describing Visit to Ohrdruf. During the Holocaust, death marches (Todesmärsche in German) were massive forced transfers of prisoners from one Nazi camp to other locations, which involved walking long distances resulting in numerous deaths of weakened people. With the Soviets advancing, Zigi and the rest of his group were sent on a death march, arriving in the German naval town of Neustadt. It was founded on September 2, 1939, near the town of Sztutowo (Stutthof) and existed as long as the war lasted - 2077 days. Concentration Camps Today: Stutthof by Jack Hazut. Eisenhower Letter On 10th Anniversary of Liberation of Concentration Camps. Released from camp due to actions by Polish Red Cross. The women, many of whom were very young, were housed in Langenhorn in two … Eisenhower Cable to Marshall Re Nazi Horrors and Need to Show Press and Congress. He spent more than eight months as a slave worker in Stutthof and its subcamps, including Stolp and Burggraben. 65.000 of them died here and 22.000 prisoners were sent to other camps. The prisoners in the camp were treated brutally and again subjected to frequent selections. The camp was surrounded by electric barbed-wire fences. 1 Biography 2 Nazi awards and decorations 3 References 4 External links Hoppe joined the Nazi Party with membership number 1,596,491. Publication Timeline Most widely held works about Stutthof (Concentration camp) Shavelings in death camps : a Polish priest's memoir of imprisonment by the Nazis, 1939-1945 by Henry M Malak ( Book ) Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank was born on 12 June 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany, the second daughter of Otto Frank (1889–1980) and Edith Frank-Holländer... Read more. The evacuation of approximately 50,000 Jews from Stutthof concentration camp and its subcamps begins; some 26,000 perish by war’s end. Concentration Camps timeline. The Duke and Duchess walked through the so-called death gates to the Stutthof concentration camp with Zigi Shipper and Manfred Goldberg, both 87, who were imprisoned there aged 14. July 6: Evian Conference held in Evian, France on the problem of Jewish refugees. view all Marianne de Beer's Timeline. 30 Jun 1944 46 KB. … Dachau concentration camp, the first concentration camp in Germany, opens 10 miles northwest of Munich at an abandoned munitions factory. In 1980, Poland, even with a high economic growth rate, was in a bad economic situation. By the end of 1943 the Germans closed down the death camps built specifically to exterminate Jews. In Palmnicken in East Prussia, today’s Jantarny in the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, a massacre of approximately 3,000 Jewish inmates of the Stutthof concentration camp was carried out during the night of January 31 to February 1, 1945. Our history timeline has further interesting information. Home; Books; Search; Support. January 27 Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz: April 29 U.S. troops liberate Dachau concentration camp. How-To Tutorials; Suggestions; Machine Translation Editions; Noahs Archive Project; About Us. Conditions in the camp were said to be brutal. Stutthof (puol. You can search for the names of victims of Nazi persecution in our portal. Help us to digitize the names on concentration camp documents and thus make them findable in our online archive! A few weeks after arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau, all of the surviving workers from the metal factory were sent to Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig. In 1943, the camp was enlarged and surrounded by electrified barbed wire fences. August 3: Italy enacts sweeping antisemitic laws. The camp was … Deportation destination: from Münster - Osnabrück - Bielefeld 13th December 1941, Riga, ghetto 09th August 1944, Stutthof, concentration camp. He has good memories of his childhood: the everyday life was good, liberal for the Jewish people, he didn’t feel any anti-Semitism. 1925 July 6, 1925. Once there, Zigi volunteered to work at a railway yard, where he was able to get more food. At one point both twins ended up at the Stutthof Concentration Camp at the same time, but never knew the other was there. DenPol if you squint. 26,000 of them perish. About 5,000 prisoners from Stutthof subcamps were marched to the Baltic Sea coast, forced into the water, and machine gunned. Gabbai, Dario Dario Gabbai: Jewish: April 1944 – January 27, 1945. Visit the Online Archive! Beginning in April 1945 the remaing 50,000 Stutthof prisoners were evacuated to neutral countries. The video, filmed in 1999 at Stutthof concentration camp in modern-day Sztutowo, Poland, was originally displayed at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow in 2015. Completed on September 2, 1939, it was located in a secluded, wet, and wooded area west of the small town of Sztutowo (German: Stutthof).The town is located in the former territory of the Free City of Danzig, 34 km east of Gdańsk, Poland.Stutthof was the last camp liberated by the Allies, on May 9, 1945. Autopsy table at Stuffhof. His father was gassed in June 1944; his mother and his sister Hanna were deported to Stutthof concentration camp, where they died a few weeks before its liberation. Documents. Konzentrationslager Stutthof was the first and longest-existing German Nazi concentration camp in the current territory of the Republic of Poland. 23 March 1933: Enabling Act of 1933 enacted; lets Hitler rule by decree. Will the Jews ever get enough revenge on the Germans. 800 X 562. from Danzig , was the first concentration camp created by the Nazis outside Germany, in September 1939. In mid-September 1944, around 500 Jewish women – mostly from Lithuania, but also from Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary – arrived at the women’s satellite camp in Hamburg-Langenhorn (Ochsenzoll) from Stutthof concentration camp, where they had been selected to work in Hamburg a few days earlier. Subcamp of the German concentration camp Stutthof near Danzig during the Third Reich. Article, maps, and photographs of the Stutthof concentration camp. After the Stutthof concentration camp, Piaśnica was the largest site of killings of Polish civilians in Pomerania by the Germans, and for this reason is sometimes referred to as the "second" or "Pomeranian" Katyn. Birth of Marianne de Beer. Help us to digitize the names on concentration camp documents and thus make them findable in our online archive! Stutthof was a Nazi Concentration Camp built in a wooded area just west of the town of Stutthof. Steven and his brother were sent to a small ghetto for able-bodied men. His last possessions are in the holdings of … Paul-Werner Hoppe (February 28, 1910 – July 15, 1974) was an SS-Sturmbannführer (major) and was the commandant of Stutthof concentration camp from September 1942 until April 1945. It expanded rapidly over its five year life and had many satellite camps. In late 1941, at least 25,000 Jews from the ghetto were massacred at the Rumbula forest, near Riga. Join in now! Wikipedia. Mendel Rosenberg was born in 1928, in Koenigsburg, Germany. End quote . It was one of those where you were told to go left or right and the wrong direction culminated in a gas chamber where prisoners were killed by Zyklon B gas. Concentration Camp & Ghetto Money. Nearly 25,000 prisoners died in the process. It was liberated on May 9th, 1945, but had been mostly evacuated earlier in January of 1945. The 100-year-old man was a guard at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Jerry Holt / Minneapolis Star Tribune via TNS Facebook A transport of 2,502 Hungarian Jews from Auschwitz Concentration Camp arrived at Stutthof Concentration Camp. 50,000 Jews are evacuated by foot from the Stutthof concentration camp, in German-annexed Poland, and its satellites - and moved back towards Germany. Opinion: Arizona plans to use cyanide on death row. Dec 10, 2019 - Explore melvyn mitchell's board "History" on Pinterest. Mika died in the gas chamber at Stutthof concentration camp on the Baltic coast in late 1944 or early 1945. Operation Reinhard. Helena survived Auschwitz because she was selected to work and was transferred to Stutthof concentration camp. About Judy Judy Meisel is a wife, mother, teacher, civil rights activist and a Holocaust survivor. The evacuation of the about 50,000 prisoners from the Stutthof camp system in northern Poland began in January 1945. More about us. Some 65,000 people died at the Stutthof former concentration camp, which Nazi Germany set up in 1939 outside what was is now the Polish city of Gdansk, before its liberation in 1945. Most death marches took place toward the end of World War II, mostly after the summer/autumn of 1944. Later his family moved to Shailiai, Lithuania and Mendel grew up there. The camp staff consisted of both male and female SS guards; female prisoners arrived from 1942 onwards. First Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial Virtual Israel Experience Timeline Publications News Links Glossary Bookstore. #everynamecounts. Buchenwald concentration camp. born in Danzig-Langfuhr ( Polish: Wrzeszcz), was a Nazi concentration camp overseer following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. The end of the camp system was marked by chaos and death. 100-year-old Nazi concentration camp guard is charged with being an accessory to 3,518 murders. The evacuation of prisoners from the Stutthof camp system in northern Poland began in January 1945. Hamburg, Germany — Bruno Dey was 17 years old when he joined the unit Death's Head unit of Adolf Hitler's During a death march in March 1945, Elizabeth Meissner was liberated by the Russians. In January it became a concentration camp. It operated from 21 May 1941 to September 1944, and was the only concentration camp established by the Germans in the territory of pre-war France. To see traveler tips, photos, reviews, and … The small town, found 55km from the centre of Gdansk, became the home of the first Nazi concentration camp built outside of Germany when preparations began to take prisoners in the summer of 1939.Stutthof was also the last concentration camp to be liberated, a point which helps to illustrate how isolated the place is and how little people seemed to know or care about it. Sztutowo) oli ensimmäinen toisen maailmansodan alettua Saksan ulkopuolelle perustettu keskitysleiri Puolassa.Se toimi myös tuhoamisleirinä kesästä syksyyn 1944.Stutthofissa oli myös noin 90 suomalaista internoitua merimiestä sodan loppuvaiheissa ja sinne vietiin jo jatkosodan aikana Suomesta Saksaan luovutettuja poliittisia vankeja. Date/Place of Death: 03rd December 1944, Stutthof, concentration camp. 733 X 499. The 92-year-old suspect was stationed at Stutthof between June 1944 and May 1945, while the 93-year-old accused acted as a guard between June 1942 and September 1944. August 1: Adolf Eichmann establishes the Office of Jewish Emigration in Vienna to increase the pace of forced emigration. Elizabeth Meissner was born in the village of Nongelete, Hungary in 1916, which was near the town of Debrecen. 29 Jun 1944 Out of about 1,100 prisoners at Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp in Germany with valid entry certificates for Palestine, 221 Jews were allowed to go; they would arrive in Haifa at 1700 hours on 10 Jul. The major subcamps were Thorn and Elbing. She escaped during the evacuation of Stutthof in January 1945. From June 1944, Stutthof became a death camp as part of Hitler's programme of exterminating European Jews. It was signed in the Lenin Shipyards of Gdansk on the 31st of August 1980. The camp … List of Nazi concentration camps. A sad kind of freedom Phillip was … Located only about 40 km from Gdansk, Stutthof was the first concentration camp in Poland built by Nazis in 1939 and the last one to be freed in 1945 by the Soviet Army. At least temporarily, the camp was commanded by the former commander of the Stutthof concentration camp near Gdansk, SS-Sturmbannführer Paul Werner Hoppe. Its liberation took place only on May 9, 1945. Stutthof Concentration Camp; Nazi Concentration Camps; More stories from Nazi Concentration Camps. Hard though it may be to believe today, arrival in the camp was thus often greeted with relief. Holocaust Memorial Museum reaches out to Georgians. 480 X 297. Anna Eilenberg-Eibeshitz: November 5, 1923: 97 Jewish Author Władysław Bartoszewski: 4427 February 19, 1922: April 24, 2015: 93 Polish September 22, 1940 – April 8, 1941 Member of Armia Krajowa. Germany, May 5, 1945. We need support to keep the memory of the victims of National Socialism alive! In this July 17, 2020 taken photo arrives Bruno Dey, 93-year-old former SS guard of the Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig, a courtroom in the regional court in Hamburg, Germany. As Allied troops closed in, the SS scrambled to empty camps. Stutthof Concentration Camp liberation Stutthof was the last of the concentraion camps liberated by the Soviets. Berlin prosecutors said Hans Werner H. (95) has been charged with more than 36,000 counts of being an accessory to murder on allegations that he served as a guard at the Nazis' Mauthausen concentration camp from 1944 to 1945. - The Associated Press . May: Flossenburg concentration camp opens. In 1944, because of the Nazi call for new guards, she joined the camp staff at Stutthof. At a Berlin conference, the Nazis decide to expel 30,000 Roma from Germany to Poland, along with Jews and Poles. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Max Pauly (1 June 1907, Wesselburen – 8 October 1946, Hamelin) was an SS Standartenführer who was the commandant of Stutthof concentration camp from September 1939 to August 1942 and commandant of Neuengamme concentration camp and the associated subcamps from September 1942 until liberation in May 1945. Apart from the main camp there were about 40 sub-camps. Groups call on Polish president to condemn ‘Game of Tag’, filmed in Stutthof concentration camp in 1999. Select another language(s) عربي Deutsch Natzweiler-Struthof was a Nazi concentration camp located in the Vosges Mountains close to the villages of Natzweiler and Struthof in the Gau Baden-Alsace of Germany, on territory annexed from France on a de facto basis in 1940. In the last frantic days of the Third Reich, the SS was trying to destroy any evidence of concentration … From Stutthof, they were sent to several hundred factories in the Baltic region. Free City of Danzig - Stutthof concentration camp - Nowy Staw - Stutthof trials - Biskupia Górka - World War II - Poland - Germany - League of German Girls - Gdańsk - Schutzstaffel - Internment - Conscription - Gas chamber - Bolesław Bierut - Gerda Steinhoff - Jenny-Wanda Barkmann - Hanging - Kapo (concentration camp) - Brain death - Female guards in Nazi concentration camps - Polish … Paul Werner Hoppe. 32 KB. Member of Sonderkommando. As a 17-year-old SS private, Bruno Dey could hear the screams of Jews dying in the gas chamber of Nazi Germany’s Stutthof concentration camp from his post in a guard tower, and watched daily as their bodies were carted to the crematorium to be turned into ash. About Judy Judy Meisel is a wife, mother, teacher, civil rights activist and a Holocaust survivor. Originally, the camp was under the jursidiction of the Danzig chief of police; however, in 1941, it was reassigned as an SS camp. Elizabeth was taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau and then to Stutthof Concentration camp. You can read Judy's story at - check out the timeline and information about the active investigation happening now in Germany regarding former SS guards at Stutthof Concentration Camp. It was the first large scale Nazi atrocity in occupied Poland. Also referred to as the Shoah (in Hebrew), judenverfolgung (in germ) the Holocaust was a genocide in which some six million European Jews were killed by Nazi Germany and its World War II collaborators (Achsenmächte). The 95-year-old also faces an unspecified number of counts of accessory to attempted murder for her […] A naked prisoner is led to an execution site in the Stutthof concentration camp 2. In the autumn of 1944, the 55-year-old Max Schloss and his 23-year-old son Ludwig returned to the Ruhr area – now as concentration camp inmates sent there to perform forced labour in the Buchenwald subcamp … Imprisonment: 27th January 1944 - 03rd September 1944, Westerbork, collecting detention camp. Russia hits out at … 1942- 1945. Set in WW2, a vague timeline of the events at the concentration camp Stutthof, from Poland's point of view. Bruno Dey was charged with 5,230 counts of accessory to murder over his time as an SS guard at the Stutthof concentration camp from 1944 to 1945. There were also some Russian prisoners of war, prostitutes, homosexuals, pacifists, communist sympathizers and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Death marches (Todesmärsche in German) refers to the forcible movements of prisoners of Nazi Germany between Nazi camps during World War II. It was the last concentration camp to be liberated by the Allies, on May 9, 1945. “Janusz Klinkowski died on May 20, 1945, shortly after he was liberated, in a hospital in Rotenburg near Bremen. Eisenhower Discusses Atrocities at Press Conference. Totally 115.000 prisoners were kept in the concentration camp. Stutthof was a concentration camp in the Northern sector of Poland, 35 kilometres east of Danzig. Map Of Concentration Camps In Europe Stutthof Concentration Camp Wikipedia SHARE ON Twitter Facebook WhatsApp Pinterest Tags: map of a zoo , map of d day landing beaches , map of j league teams , map of p block gulberg islamabad , map of t boston Stutthof, a Nazi German concentration camp, became operational in a secluded, wooded area near the town of Sztutowo (German: Stutthof) 34 km (21 mi) east of the city of Danzig in the former territory of the Free City of Danzig. Some eight other prominent prisoners were deported from Gestapo headquarters on 8 Prinz Albrechtstrasse in Berlin and Sachsenhausen concentration camp to Flossenburg concentration camp. BERLIN (AP) — German prosecutors have charged the elderly secretary of the former SS commandant of Stutthof with 10,000 counts of accessory to murder, arguing that she was part of the apparatus that helped the Nazi concentration camp function. The Gdansk Agreement (the August Agreement) It was the first significant social contract between the people and the Communist government. During this period 65 000 people were victims of genocide. There were more than 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust before and during World War 2. I don’t think they ever will. Anti-Semitism Biography History Holocaust Israel Israel Education Myths & Facts Politics Religion Travel US & Israel Vital Stats Women. 1936 Nazi Germany Establishes Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. Nazis killed with... Los Angeles Times - Caroline Petrow-Cohen. See more ideas about history, world war ii, world war two. In Dachau, during the final years of the war, so-called “concerts” were put on in the bath house, with official permission, almost every weekend, sometimes on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Brutal winters led to typhus outbreaks in 1942 and 1944. HAMBURG, Germany — From his post as a young SS private in a watchtower in Nazi Germany's Stutthof concentration camp, Bruno Dey could hear the screams of … A few weeks after arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau, all of the surviving workers from the metal factory were sent to Stutthof concentration camp near Danzig. With the Soviets advancing, Zigi and the rest of his group were sent on a death march, arriving in the German naval town of Neustadt. But anti-Semitic violence increased, and in 1942 the family was deported to a ghetto in Riga. The Nazis create the Lodz ghetto.

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