why is my baby's head measuring 2 weeks ahead

My obs said stomach size is more accurate as that is all about growth etc and the later the scans the more inaccurate. A rescan 2 weeks later showed baby growing consistent with what she said. Our scan was done at 19 weeks, 4 days. I … “Firstly, it’s likely they will check you for thyroid dysfunction and diabetes – glucose tolerance test and blood tests – just to check there’s no reason why the baby … I am 28 weeks and my baby is measuring at 25 weeks. With this baby, I measured five weeks ahead when 18 weeks pregnant!! For example, abdomen might have been ahead, legs behind, etc. They are going to check the head circumference again to rule out microcephaly. Anonymous. If the baby was measuring less than two weeks your due date would stay the same, but once the baby is two weeks ahead in growth they have to change your due date to a sooner one. My baby is on the verge of being 2 weeks ahead but she hasn't quit hit that mark yet. When Will My Baby Sleep Through The Night? Will Baby's Eye Color Change? Baby's head measuring 2 weeks ahead! The high risk doctor didnt seem overly concerned, but my regular OB mentioned they want the belly to be smaller than the head, which at this point it is clearly not. There are many variables involved, however if your child has dropped in their percentile, this is cause for an evaluation not necessarily concern. One of the largest factors that can effect a reading of head circumference is the margin of error. As with measuring uterine growth in pregnancy, measuring a baby's head growth can be inaccurate. A week max it used … That’s why your doctor measures your baby’s head and follows its growth monthly on a chart. He was head down, weighing 4 lbs 3 oz, and everything looked perfect. I'm 188 and that was almost 2 wks ago. - BabyCenter Australia The perinatalogist was so helpful and did another scan. If rapid growth crosses percentile lines on its curve, it may be due to too much fluid inside the brain or another brain-related problem. My baby measured 2/3 weeks ahead for ages, I had to do the glucose test 3 times because she was concerned and it always always came back fine. An assisted birth will… Baby's head measuring 3 weeks behind : Today I found out that my baby's head circumference is measuring 3 weeks behind (less than 2%) at 36 weeks ultrasound :( I have another ultrasound this Thur ( week 37). The measurement in centimeters from the top of your pubic bone to the top of your uterus (the fundus) should be about the same as the number of weeks you are pregnant, with an allowance of up to 2 cm either way. Measuring big at 28 weeks. Not a huge baby but pretty big for my size. The sonagrams is great tool to measure the general idea of how far along you are but are not 100% correct. MY baby’s head was measuring in 14th centile (BPD) and 16th centile (HC) for the 2 head measurements. Your baby could be in a funny position or sitting high in your uterus, and that's throwing the tape measure off. But he was only 6lb 4oz! The tech said we shouldnt worry too much about it, as there were no signs of anything wrong in his head at all. Giving birth vaginally to a large baby might be challenging, but it's definitely not impossible. As with measuring uterine growth in pregnancy, measuring a baby's head growth can be inaccurate. If you have a scan during your 3rd trimester, it’s called a ‘growth scan’ or ‘wellbeing scan’ – which is done to take your baby’s … One is that you have an abnormally large amount of amniotic fluid — more than normal — surrounding your baby. The baby could be lying low in your pelvis. Head size is all based on genetics so if bug heads run in the family thats just how it will go. Everything looked good so I didnt get any more ultrasounds. I don't think measuring ahead changes your due date. It has more to do with the size of your uterus and the baby. No if you are measuring 2 weeks ahead your due date will be sooner then you were originally expecting. A: A baby's brain and head do 80 percent of their growing during the first two years. Except my belly measurments aren't ahead my weight is I'm gaining 9 lbs every 2 weeks and that is alot. Your baby’s fontanel that is, soft spots on the head close roughly around 18 months of age. There are a myriad of reasons you might be measuring ahead. Still Im concerned. Hello ladies. I had pre-preclampsia issues and started natural induction methods at 37 weeks, and he was born 8 days early. I had an ultrasound today with a perinatologist and baby looked great. My baby's head has been measuring big the whole way through - 4 weeks ahead at some scans! Or you may have a uterine fibroid or extra amniotic fluid (neither of which is necessarily a big deal). Hence, after the age of two, the head doesn’t grow much. I'm really short so there's not much room left in my uterus for a huge baby! My first measured 1 week ahead and 8.5 at 39 weeks, but ended up coming late (I was induced bc i was scared of a huge baby) and he was 7.14. Don't worry. In the second and third trimester, a difference in age of up to two weeks is considered normal between your gestational age and the ultrasound scan age. The babies head was measuring 18 weeks, 3 days and the babies arms and legs were around 16 weeks, 3 days. etc. Some baby’s just have bigger heads not everything grows at the same rate x. My son had a big head in scans sure enough has a big head still but my husbands side has big heads in babies so was to be expected. Baby head circumference charts allow your pediatrician to track the growth of your baby’s brain. I had an ultrasound today and baby's body is measuring 5 days ahead and baby's head is measuring 2 weeks ahead. I have a scheduled u/s and in 2 weeks and he is going to check the weight and length of the baby and if he's as big as he thinks he is it's time to check and see the lungs and then make a plan from there. I don't think this is all that uncommon, but it is good you are getting things checked out. Remember, the size of your baby’s skull is reflective of your baby’s brain growth. roni090909 responded: I am not overweight and I am measuring anywhere between 3-5 weeks ahead. at my anomaly scan. I'm going for a growth scan on Friday and I'm fairly confident it's maybe just fluid etc. Maybe your due date is off by a few days or a week (it's pretty common for doctors to change due dates). Avalos89 28/05/14. The measuring tape should be around the forehead in the front and the largest part of the back, if it is off by even a little bit, it can have a huge impact on the reading. She never said his hesd was ahead but at my 32 week scan she said it w…. So I … I had a scan and baby's head and stomach were measuring two weeks ahead, legs were 2 weeks behind. “At my 20 week scan he was off the charts, and I always measured around 3-4 weeks ahead of dates,” shares moominmummy. The stomach as well measured small, around the 16.4 week mark. During pregnancy, there are 2 NHS scans that (generally) everyone will have: the 10 to 12-week dating scan and the 20-week abnormality scan. I was so worried about it as it was completely at odds with the baby’s other measurements, weight, legs etc. What does measuring ahead really mean does it mean im further along or big baby I had and early scan and it was 1 day off my lmp which i think its pretty accurate. And all these Down syndrome things are coming up for foetal head measurements. But at 24 weeks tech said i was measuring at 25 this is my first kinda got me worried. and on the graph it shows it's about 4 weeks bigger than how far gone I am. As if the comments from strangers in the checkout line on the size of your belly weren't enough, your OB-GYN's measuring tape is now confirming what you felt to be true: Your baby … Fetuses grow at a very consistent rate in the 1st trimester. In a low-risk pregnancy, the abdomen is measured at prenatal visits to assess the baby's growth. He said its just the way I am carrying LO. I had my 28 week appointment today and I'm measuring 31 weeks (checked by 2 MW). Measuring head circumference helps doctors track the brain's growth as the skull bones fuse together. I gained 10 lbs last month and 8 lbs this month, so I'm gaining weight (a little too much weight) and eating healthy. Sonographer said not to worry as that's normal for our baby. My uterus is slightly tilted, so I think that it helps cause being off. Baby 1 was 6lb 2 oz/47cm and baby 2 was 6lb 14oz/53cm and both in perfect health, I just carry small babies. Doctor said it's fine though and now I'm nearing the end at 38 weeks, the rest of the body has been catching up, but she just obviously has a big head! In my notes it says it's at the 95th centile? 12 years ago. Subject: Re:Measuring 2+ weeks ahead on ultrasound. It estimates your baby's age by measuring different parts of your baby's body such as her head, abdomen, and legs. At one point during this pregnancy I was measuring 7 weeks ahead (still am I think) but the baby is measuring perfectly on ultrasound. I also am measuring one week farther along but my doctor is sticking with the first sonagram even though my second sonagram was two weeks after my first (long story). Will Having A Large Or Small Baby Affect The Birth?Giving birth vaginally to a large baby might be challenging, but it's definitely not impossible. An assisted birth will… It came out that my babys head is measuring at 37 weeks and her stomach at 34 weeks and her legs at 29 weeks or 31 weeks I quite dont remember that one real good. The rest of the baby, including head circumference, is measuring 1.5 weeks ahead (and has been for a while). With my first it was at 38 weeks and with my second at 34 weeks. So we had a sono to rule out twins. Measuring your baby. At 32 weeks I had a growth scan and the consultant explained to me that the baby's head is measuring a lot bigger than it should be. With my son, I consistently measured two weeks ahead, and I just felt bigger. My second measured 33 weeks when she was supposed to be nearly 38 weeks and showed to be in the low 6 pound mark, well she ended up coming 2 weeks early and weighed in at 7.2. Baby measuring 1 week ahead. The baby's belly is measuring 4 weeks ahead. DD was born at 40w2d weighing in at 6 pounds 14 oz. But the sonographer said it was completely normal and not remotely worried about it. oysterpots Thu 12-Apr-07 13:41:50. At my last appointment, she was measuring 2 1/2 weeks behind, but before that she was right on track. Location: Michigan. Posts: 2,258. With DS I always measured 2 weeks ahead and he was 8 lbs 9 oz when he was born. Babies move a lot in the first and second trimesters, but toward the end of your pregnancy, they should be getting into position for birth. Baby measuring 3 weeks behind. I'm 31w1d and his head is measuring 33w1d. Babies head measuring 3 weeks ahead : I've just had a 32 week scan and bubs head is measuring 3 weeks ahead. Unless you are like 10 weeks off, I wouldn't worry too much. So she put me in for a growth scan which I had this morning. My son didn't have small head size necessarily, but at my later u/s various areas measured differently. Their position may change wildly early on in the third trimester as well. However, if you’re between 32 and 36 weeks, you may notice your baby staying put in a head-down position. Your uterus grows to accommodate their size — but there’s only so much room. Here are the symptoms of baby turning head … My doctor isn't concerned at all. I had an ultrasound around 35 weeks and the baby was estimated to be 6.5 pounds; they were predicting 8/9 pounds by 40 weeks. I just recently got one last week (33) weeks to just check my babys weight and growth.. But there was just one in there! How are everyone else's measurements going? A newborn with a significantly large head should probably be scanned to determine the cause. Same her head has been bigger throughout but not usually 2 weeks ahead. At my last appointment I was measuring 2 weeks bigger. Unfortunately his head is measuring TWO whole weeks ahead. 03/24/2010 15:05. My wife and I went to our 36 week ultrasound today and it showed that our baby's head was 2 to 3 weeks ahead in size, the rest of his measurements are spot on. Both times the ultrasound showed my babies were fine and roughly going to be between 6 and 7 pounds. Im worried as baby has never measured ahead. He was born small, but perfectly healthy and is now a healthy 8 month old. Saw the midwife last week who took my fundal height and said I was measuring large for my dates (was 24 weeks and measuring 28cm). Results were that head circumference is measuring a week ahead, which still appears to be in the normal range, and the abdominal circumference is measuring 2 weeks ahead…

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